Ecological Services at JCA Limited

Our Arboriculture and Ecology specialist team can advise on a wide range of areas including tree safety, development near trees, subsidence risk, trees and the law, bats surveys, and great crested newt surveys to name just a few services.

Ecological Surveys Throughout The UK

JCA operate throughout the UK from our base in West Yorkshire, providing high quality, comprehensive ecological surveys and reports with efficiency and professionalism, helping you sustainably achieve your goals.

Our experienced and qualified ecologists provide a range of consultancy services including protected species surveys, habitat surveys, invasive species surveys and numerous post-planning services. Our reports include a comprehensive view of the potential impacts of development, based on a detailed desktop study and site surveys, and advice on how to proceed with planned works.

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

Under the Environment Act 2021, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) became mandatory across England from February 2024. All planning applications, with some exceptions, need to reach a minimum of 10% net gain in habitat value to leave biodiversity in a better state than prior to development.

This process involves an ecologist visiting the proposed development site to conduct a Condition Assessment of the baseline habitats present to assign a biodiversity value to the site. This will be compared to the proposed development plan, and inputted into Biodiversity Metric Calculation Tool, to see if the plan has achieved a 10% net gain, and if not, provide guidance on how to achieve a net gain where possible, or inform on off-site mitigation and Statutory Credits where on-site gains cannot be met.

JCA’s ecology team are experienced in conducting Biodiversity Net Gain assessments and can provide advice throughout the process. Services provided include:

  • Biodiversity Accounting Assessment (BAA) – the initial survey and report to establish a site’s biodiversity value to achieve a 10% net gain.
  • River Condition Assessment (RCA) – a separate assessment survey specific to watercourses
  • Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) – a report to inform on the long-term management and monitoring of the site to achieve the 10% net gain.

At each stage of application, ecological considerations will be guided by JCA’s helpful ecologists, from initial habitat and protected species surveys to extensive post-planning management and mitigation. All our surveys and reports are undertaken and compiled in accordance with CIEEM’s professional code of conduct and the relevant survey guidance to ensure only the highest quality.

Do You Need an Ecological Consultant?

At JCA our specialist team can conduct an ecological survey based on your specific requirements.

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