Safety Survey – University, Various Locations throughout Leeds

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  3. Safety Survey – University, Various Locations throughout Leeds

For one of the main universities in Leeds, JCA Limited manage Safety reporting across their extensive property portfolio. We initially designed and built their Tree Management System, working with the client to understand their data requirements and reporting preferences. This system has evolved over the subsequent 20 years, and remains in constant use.

The university has more than 5000 trees, spread across 20 sites. The trees are in various Safety zones, with some trees situated within Dense Woodland groups, and other with much greater risk factors, such as proximity to Public highways, Footpaths or buildings. Different zones have different levels of “safety requirements” and different levels of data input allowing us to efficiently survey and manage this large portfolio. While tree-work recommendations are always linked to tree and public safety, the use of zones means that work can be prioritised and managed efficiently.