Decay Detection, Keighley – BD20

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  3. Decay Detection, Keighley – BD20

Our consultant carried out a safety survey at a property in Keighley. Upon inspection it was recommended by JCA that an internal decay detection inspection was carried out at a later date.

The test was carried out on a mature sycamore which was located within the front garden. The tree was noted to have defects in particular a large branch wound at approximately 2 metres above ground level with a cavity and visible decay.

The internal structure of the tree was tested using a Sonic Decay Detector (Arborsonic Tomograph) which is a specialised electronic instrument and is used to assess the internal structure of a tree branch or stem. The condition of the tree is assessed by measuring the speed that sound travels through the wood in a number of different directions from a number of set positions.

Our consultant carried out the test and the results from the Arborsonic Tomograph indicated that the tree was relatively sound and at low risk at the level tested. Our consultant recommended that the tree was to be monitored on a biennial basis (once every two years) for safety purposes.