Our client instructed us to undertake a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) and a Bat Scoping survey at a former depot in Halifax in order to determine the potential impacts of a proposed development on, on-site habitats, species and local priority habitats.
After conducting a thorough site investigation, our consultant confirmed that the site contained habitats of low to moderate ecological value and considered the site to have a negligible potential for supporting foraging, commuting, and roosting bats.
However, it was concluded, due to the tree and scrub on the site, it had potential for nesting and foraging birds and our consultant recommended to enhance the proposed development, faunal boxes for bats and birds should be incorporated into the development plans along with hedgehog holes put into any fencing on site.
Additional survey work would be required for birds if the trees and vegetation were to be removed during the nesting bird period.