JCA received an instruction from our client to carry out an arboricultural survey and report for mortgage purposes.
The property surveyed was a detached two-storey dwelling with gardens and a patio to the side and the rear which contained a variety of trees and shrubs, additionally there were several items of vegetation located on the adjacent land but within influencing distance to the property.
Out of the 18 trees surveyed one tree was given a category one recommendation and 7 trees, the category 2 recommendation. Category 1 recommendations are made for structural/safety reasons and are recommended to be undertaken immediately. Category 2 works are of a cosmetic or general nature only, and usually do not require to be carried out as urgently.
The tree which was recommended for removal was a semi-mature Crab Apple which had a basal cavity extending upto the stem. Our consultant concluded that provided the category 1 & 2 works were undertaken in the near future, and that the trees were inspected on a regular basis, there were no reasons as to why the mortgage applicant could not proceed at the current time.