One of our consultants carried out a tree survey for mortgage purposes at a property in Halifax, West Yorkshire. We ran a TPO search with Calderdale Council and we were informed that there was neither a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) in place and that the property was not situated within a conservation area. As such council consent was not required prior to undertaking any works to the trees.
Our recommendations for individual trees are listed into to categories. Category 1 being recommendations made for structural/safety reasons and are recommended to be undertaken immediately. Category 2 works are of a cosmetic or general nature only, and usually do not require to be carried out as urgently. On this particular occasion the trees associated with this property were classed as category 2 trees where only slight reductions were required and maintenance at the current size on a biennial (2 yearly) basis. As there were no major concerns, we determined there were no arboricultural reasons why the property should not be purchased, this then allowed our client to proceed with their mortgage application.