JCA were instructed by one of our developer clients to undertake a BS5837 developmental survey and report at a site in Manchester.
A check was carried out with Manchester City Council prior to our consultants visit to determine whether any of the trees to be surveyed were subject to any statutory controls. We were informed that there were no Tree Preservation Orders and that the site was not located within a Conservation Area.
In total, our consultant surveyed a total of 14 items of vegetation. This comprised of 9 individual trees and 5 groups of trees. Of the surveyed trees, 4 were listed as category ‘B’ Trees, 5 as category ‘C’ and one group at category ‘C’.
As a general rule, those trees listed as retention category ‘A’ or retention category ‘B’ are the most valuable items of vegetation and as such the removal of these is likely to be met with resistance by the Local Planning Authority (LPA).
Those items listed as retention category ‘C’ are of lesser value and the removal of these is generally less likely to be met with resistance by the LPA.
Upon provision of specific proposals, site-specific advice should then be given with regards to the impact on trees. In accordance with Section 5.4 of BS 5837: 2012, the next stage should be the preparation of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA), which will illustrate and discuss the impact of the proposals on the trees.